Most beautiful rose
If you happen to drop by this blog you must go and check out the most beautiful rose I have ever seen in ribbon.
It is here
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Monday, August 04, 2008

I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have dropped by and and left me your lovely comments. I have lost the plot a wee bit recently. Dear Pat of Gatherings wrote a few words about me on her blog recently which warmed the cockles of my heart.
She is a creative lady who is a good friend and someone who I admire greatly. Her words were balm to my soul and such a thoughtful thing to say. She has spurred me on to get back into life again. Anyways won't bore you all but I really wanted to say how much I appreciate you for continuing to stop by.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
A couple of months ago we had a fabulous holiday with my family in Adelaide, Australia. My sister and her family live there as does my Dad. Of course when you are in Adelaide you have to go to the Barossa Valley, which is one of the best known wine areas; here we all are. The patriarch of the family is in the middle with his two girls on either side of him. My DH on my left also my two boys and two of my nieces and their husbands and my nephew's fiancé.
The other picture is all the cousies together, what a gorgeous bunch but I am totally biased.
Sunday, July 20, 2008

I started this a little while ago, wanted to have a go with the Melanie rose which I have mentioned before. It is a beautiful rose created by Marie Alton which she named after her daughter. I still need more practise but it is a delightful rendition of a full blown rose. Not sure whether I like the stems at this stage.
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Been missing in action for a while, no stitching to speak off but we have recently gotten back from a lovely family holiday in Adelaide Australia, but this is the view from my window this morning. Twas snowing most of yesterday and through the night. It had stopped but has just started up again as I was loading these photoes.
You can see the snow on the power lines which is always a course for worry. My husband who is a computer guy has just had to get into town to help those who's systems are down, and as it is the start of the school holidays as well as the start of the ski season and we live in the very centre of the North Islands ski area, well ..... all said.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

This is what my husband had to do yesterday, the cut up trees were damaged and ready to fall, infact one of two already had a lean on them so they had to go. A friend came around with a huge chainsaw and helped David cut these trees down.
The other picture is the view from the bathroom window, a glorious tree in its autumn splendour, the leaves are dropping rapidly now, the trees are battening down the hatches getting ready to go into dormancy and sleep away the winter. I know how they feel, I also am tired, would love to go to bed for a few months and wake up refreshed. Raring to go and face the future. Instead at the moment, no stitching, no inspiration, no motivation, just weariness. On a positive note though, we are off on holiday real soon. A lovely family holiday with my boys to visit my Dad and sister in Adelaide Australia. It is my Dad's 80th birthday, and we are going there for a couple of weeks, it will be lovely, nothing nicer than being with family.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
It is a stitchin community that she has started up. Pop on over and check for yourself.
Sunday, May 04, 2008

I know I am somewhat behind the 8 ball on these delightful pieces of art work but Doreen of Creative Meanderings Granddaughter Ebony is exchanging cards and I really want to play. I have received one from her and several from Doreen, I will post pictures later of them. Doreen gave me a tutorial and sent me samples, and voila here it numbero uno.
It is made from a piece of felt fused with little bits of glitzy fabric and angelina, then painted fusable web was ironed on to that, finally a piece of organza was fused to that. Cut to shape and a little hand stitching added.
Thursday, May 01, 2008

Little finishes
I decided to get these little embroideries finished and framed up. I learnt an other valuable lesson, well two really and they are both lessons that I know already.
1) Don't use little scraps of fabric when doing embroideries, because you can't frame them properly.
I know this but persist in trying to save fabric. Then you are stilted in what you can do with them.
2) Take your embroideries out of the frame when you put it away for the night. Yet again, I know this, but did I do it, No!!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

and a close up

Friday, April 25, 2008

As mentioned in the last post, I have been so inspired and have totally fallen in love with Pamela Kellogg' s 6 inch button blocks. So I just had to make some up. Acting on Pam's advise they are actually 8 inch blocks to allow for stitch shrinking and trimming up etc. Such a good idea and I am so pleased to get her advise.
Not sure at this stage how many I will make but this is a good start. Now I have to mark out my 6 inch square.I always find it better to mark them as I have a tendency to stitch too close to the edge thus having an awful time trying to stitch them together.
My DH has just slipped "Pride and Prejudice" in the DVD player, I have my needle and thread and a 6 inch square template and I am off to do the boring part.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Camera has died and sources of inspiration
I have really been inspired by Pam of
She is making 6inch button blocks, she was in turn inspired by Sharon's of
Sharon made a huge or what looks like a huge 6inch button block, she has photoes on her website.
I have been asking Pamela questions, she makes the blocks 8 inches giving her lots of room for trimming etc. If your stop by her blog you can see why I am so inspired. Of course her stitching is to die for.
So I have decided to make up some and spent a couple of hours last night making up 8 inch blocks. Have about 10 so far and would love to show a photo but as the camera is not working, so I can't. I have a drawer full of small pieces of fabric, it was once in colourways but alas is just a mess at the moment. So, I am grabbing bits of similar colours and making the blocks that way. Then, once I have a pile I want to mark them up with the six inch size to keep me on track. Once we get an other camera I will post photoes but I am not too sure when that is going to be.
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Our weekend.
This is what we did this weekend, had a flying visit to Wellington to watch our son in the Barista competitions.
He manages one of the 10 or so Mojo's cafes. All the competitors had to make 12 coffees, 4 short blacks, 4 cappuchino's and 4 of their own signature coffees. Cameron presented his in old fashioned cocktails glasses, infact his whole theme was the 1920's. He had vanilla infused cream a chocolate tea and a marmalade syrup that he made himself. It was delicious. He came in the top 10, while the other three Mojo's staff took out the 1st, 3rd and4th places.Way to go Cameron and Mojo's
Friday, April 18, 2008

With this one, decided that I didn't want to sew on the overlay. As I was gluing the leaves for a little added security, I thought I would glue the black stuff on as well. (can't for the life of me find the word that it is called, sometimes menopause is a nuisance, I know what it is called, just cannot access my brain or my my brain won't let the word come forth, keep thinking nylon scarf but that is not right)
Anyway, back to glue, it was a fabric glue and it SAID dries clear. Not true as you can clearly see two white splodges of glue, duh!!!!! Oh well, will have to cover them with something.
These little quilts all had leaves that were collected three autumns ago. Time to collect some more. I pressed all but the ginkgo leaves and of course that is the one that is brittle.The pressed ones also retained some of their autumnal colours. Can you tell I like the word "autumnal" It always reminds me of Mr Tumnus of the Lion the witch and the wardrobe, of the Narnia series. Bit of a stretch of the imagination, just a similiar pronunciation I guess.
Sunday, April 13, 2008

I purchased Jane Davila & Elin Waterston's "Art quilt workbook" late last year. It is a wonderful book if you want to get started on the art quilt journey.
I had no idea where to start so thought I would give the insert strip piecing a go. Knew I wanted to use my dried leaves and the only way I could think to use them was under tuille as they are very brittle.
Also wanted to use some of the moulds I blogged about last weekend..
Used my favourite Loni Rossi fabrics, stamping a couple with leaf stamps, do you think I have a thing for leaves per chance???
Tried a little machine stitching and overall I am pleased with the finished products. These and an other one have taken me all day so once I have had dinner I need to get something done around here as it is back to work tomorrow.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ginkgo quiltlet

I had a bit of fun today making this.
I love leaves and collect them and dry them in the autumn, also love the colours of this season. They are so real and, well, beautiful. The fabrics are Loni Rossi and I tutued a little on the strips with paintstiks and rubbings. I tried to capture the dried ginko leaf under fine tulle, that was ok until I had to turn the quilt after attaching the binding duh! Dried brittle leaves don't like to be manipulated. Ah well, lesson learned.

A wee bit more on the Melanie rose
Still playing and experimenting with this most beautiful rose, I yanked the first one out, just wasn't right. Wanted to use my hand dyed ribbon to see what the effect would be like. The variegated ribbon does make a difference but I still need more practise on the rose its self.
Talking of roses, pop on over to Barbara's blog, the address is on the sidebar as she has posted some photoes of the most beautiful antique crazy quilt, along with some close ups of the centre motif, which, you guessed it, is the most lovely ribbon/fabric rose composition.
Friday, April 11, 2008

I received the nicest of surprises the other day, Doreen of Creative Manderings gave me the above award, needless to say I was overwhelmed. I cannot get the logo on my blog as it is too technical savvy for me but you can read what she said (if you want to) on her blog.
I am humbled by her lovely sentiment and it has encouraged me so much.
Kathy of
asked me about the moulds I had used in the previous post, here is a picture, you can click on the photo to make it bigger.
I do not know how to get the text and pictures to line up, can anyone help me there? The three same sized moulds in the middle are rigid, these I have had for 10 years or so and are a little more difficult to get the sculpy out of. The others are all flexible moulds and so much easier to use.
I have been trying to have a go at the Melanie Rose designed y Marie Alton of SRE Deluxe. I can't quite get it right but it is a favourite of mine. Marie does roses to die for.
Sunday, April 06, 2008

had a fun day today making moulds with sculpy, baking and painting. Some of these moulds have been stuck in the drawer for.... well several hundred years. When trying to paint them in the past the paint seperated. When things don't go as planned for me I tend to get discouraged and pack them away. So this time I sealed them first with Golden soft gel, east peasey. Then the fun began, painting and highlighting with golden interference paint and jacquard pearl-ex mixed with water. As you can see, I was somewhat restricted by the colours I had of each, but fun none the less.
What actually got me started was the need for some leaves for a little autumn quiltlet I want to do. Also had some mould maker so had a go with that to make some other slightly larger leaves. Oops ,just noticed the shadow on the photoes duh!!

Had to have a go at making something with the bags hence this little purse from the Fibre and stitch website free projects. Doreen suggested to back the paper with cotton so I had a go at doing that. Thanks Doreen. In hindsight the fastening would have been easier if they were stitched before assembly!!! Life is about learning from your mistakes, I am really good at that, the mistakes I mean or rather the learning experiences lol. It was going to be a little gift but think I will keep it myself and get the closure sorted out next time
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Thank you.
Thank you all so much for stopping by and commiserating with me. I have wimped out yet again and not phoned the dentist as the pain was not as bad yesterday. Bad girl!!!! It is sore this morning so I need to pluck up the courage and call.... Who are you going to call - not ghost busters but dentist busters! The ideal for me, drugs drugs and more drugs. Time was I could go to the dentist quite happily, something has happened along the way, or rather the wimp factor has taken me over. My dentist is a very nice and caring person who makes it all very easy for me, but I have such a mind set - dentist - open mouth = pain!!!!!! Yucketty yuck. Just wish it was the weekend then it would be all over and my tooth would be fixed. You know my son had three fillings and didn't even have an injection, can you believe that? Give me injections, give me sedatives, hit me on the head anything to get it over with. Enough already...
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Little pink heart finished.
I am not in a good mood today and probably won't be for the rest of the weekend as I have a stinking toothache and I am a wimp. I had a crown put on a 10 days ago at a horrendous price and now, guess what? It is aching and I am a very unhappy camper. Its going to be a long weekend.
Finished this little heart up today.
Monday, March 24, 2008

This is what my niece looks like normally, she is gorgeous as you can see; this is her
playing with the camera and sneaking pictures of Cameron relaxing with his feet up and reading. Also sneaking a shot of me in a most unflattering pose but I have to admit doing what I do most of the time.!!! You guessed it on the computer, probably reading your blog. You can see my cup, gotta have my cuppa, oh you can also see a tin of what we should have been doing, painting the bathroom. Although we did actually get some work done over the long weekend, belief it or not. We managed to get a lot of the garden tidied up in preparation for winter. DH got the driveways etc sprayed of weeds. Cameron did the lawns. We got wood stacked, DH made up an other plane and I did manage to get a little heart stitched , in amongst cooking reading and relaxing
Hope you are all having a good Easter, it is back to work tomorrow for us.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

We had a day in town during the week and I spotted this circle cutter and small rotary cutter. See bottom picture. I had just recently bought Quilting Arts DVD of the television show and this was shown on one of the episodes. This picture is showing some of the yoyo's I made last night. The next two pictures, although not very clear are of some of the pincushions I made with the yoyo's I have already given one to a friend and forget to take a picture of it.
The bottom picture is the gadget itself.

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