Thursday, August 21, 2008

Most beautiful rose

If you happen to drop by this blog you must go and check out the most beautiful rose I have ever seen in ribbon.
It is here


Jocelyn in NZ said...

Barb's an absolute Master at ribbon flowers, isn't she! I'm with you, Judith - I too think it's about the most beautiful one I have ever seen. Wouldn't it be great to see it in real life!

Barbara said...

I'm checking on my favorite blogs and noticed this are too kind, Judith! I really appreciate your wonderful compliments and those of Jocelyn as well.

I would love to meet you two one day. Wouldn't that be fun?


Rissa said...

Barbara is inspirational, isn't she? :-)

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

Yes, Barbara is the rose queen for sure. She has a touch!

Samzbob said...

Long time no update!!

Lotsa love to the family!!
