had a fun day today making moulds with sculpy, baking and painting. Some of these moulds have been stuck in the drawer for.... well several hundred years. When trying to paint them in the past the paint seperated. When things don't go as planned for me I tend to get discouraged and pack them away. So this time I sealed them first with Golden soft gel, east peasey. Then the fun began, painting and highlighting with golden interference paint and jacquard pearl-ex mixed with water. As you can see, I was somewhat restricted by the colours I had of each, but fun none the less.
What actually got me started was the need for some leaves for a little autumn quiltlet I want to do. Also had some mould maker so had a go with that to make some other slightly larger leaves. Oops ,just noticed the shadow on the photoes duh!!

Love the buds and flowers!
This does look pretty darn fun.....
Excellent Judith
I love the leaves and the buds.
Judith, those are gorgeous. I can't believe you had them stored. The pansies are fabulous, well, they all are actually! Can't wait to see what you do with them.
Judith, your molds are just lovely. Do you make them from white sculpy and what kind of molds do you use?
Judith, they are all absolutely beautiful but my favorites are the leaves and flowers. The leaf looks wonderful on the little purse.
You and Jules are definitely passing me by with all these lovely new things. You are both so talnted!!!
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