Hospital block finished.
I think this is finished??? The oya's still need the final placing and attaching as does the mop butterfly. The butterfly will have to be glued as it does not sit right with just a stitch or two in the little attaching place.
I bought the swarovski butterflies and little yellow flowers which are under the lace flower especially for this block. I absolutely love anything swarovski and they look so much nicer in person. I dyed all the ribbon and used the edged dyed ribbon that I blogged about just recently. I really like the edged dyes stuff, it give such a realistic effect. My photographic abilities leave much to be desired I can't seem to get the colours right. They look washed out and really do look nicer in person.
Barbara (on my side bar) has blogged about all the blocks so far. She also has some lovely pictures so that you can see the flow of the blocks and how the colours and theme really work together.
I have been tidying stuff!!!! bah humbug, do you make a mess when you are working? I am terrible and have stuff everywhere. I have also just recently bought a couple of cupboards which mean I have finally the space to put things away in an orderly manner. I reorganised everything a year or so back putting all ribbons and threads together by colours. It seemed like a great idea at the time but it nearly drove me mad. So, now I am putting it all back mostly the way it used to be. Not by colour but by type, like all my pearls cottons together, dmc together and silk threads together. I have also been doing my beads and bought new containers for them. I also organised them by colour and again never knew what was there. So they are now also back to be organised by type, seeds together, bugles together etc etc ad nauseum. Ah!!! I am nearly there and much happier, at least until the next reorganisation.
A group of local ladies are starting an art group this afternoon. As I live in the middle of nowhere there are not any classes as such. The organiser is an art school (UK trained) graduate, hopefully she is going to help us as I am useless at drawing but I figure it has to help the design skills or lack of thereof. I was hoping to get finished my reorganising by the, so I had beter get back to it.