I want to make a journal cover for my friend, we study the bible and a few other things together. We are trying to help each other walk through life while trying to do it all gracefully as we are getting older.
Hopefully the cover will be able to move on to a new journal when she has finished one. The colours are actually purples not blues.It annoys me that I can't photograph purples, must ask my son what I can do. I am going to embellish the front but I thought I would leave the back plainer with only the seams embellished with stitching. Actually, I think I need lessons on photography as the colours always appear subdued and don't really show their true beauty. Maybe its the camera, I am not too sure on that one, we have had it for ages. Modern technology is wonderful though isn't it, allowing us to be able to do all the things we love. My life has so opened up since I finally started using the computer.
Your friend will love it. It is beautiful.
I know what you mean about photographing purple. It always comes out blue for me to! Your book cover looks like it is going to be a beauty.
Your blog is absolutely wonderful. I have done a little bit of CQ in the past but was never all that good in that medium, but I sure love to look at all your projects.
Because of this, I have given you the "You made my day award".
More details about this award are on my blog.
Pierrette =^..^=
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