Saturday, December 29, 2007

Some of my roses, all gifts to us from friends when we lost Callum. These are Dublin Bay, Winchester cathedral and treasure box you can also see Heritage in the distance. Also lots of lavender, one of my favourite alltime flowers and smells and viscara. The rose flower must be one of the most beautiful of all God's creations. truly magnificent and the scent!!!!!! Well, I know man has worked at them and changed them but the fragrance is divine.
The weather over Christmas here has been wet and cold but that suits me fine coming from the northern hemisphere, Christmas is not christmas if its not cold. But the weather is changing again and the sun is peeking out from the clouds and it is going to be a nice day.


Julie said...

Judith - what wonderful gifts. It must be such a blessing to see those beautiful flowers and be reminded of Callum, his beautiful sparkling eyes, and smile. They are truly beautiful.

Have a safe and blessed New Year!

Doreen G said...

Judith could you e-mail please my addy is on my blog I would like to e-mail a reply to you.