Sunday, January 06, 2008

A Dear Friend Candice was married yesterday. We spent a delightful day celebrating God's gifts of our children and then letting them go onto their future with their spouses. During the ceremony the two Mothers each had a lit candle then they both lit an other candle and blew their candle out. It was very special to see that single candle glowing as a symbol of their hearts and bodies becoming one.
This is a picture of the Mother of the bride on the right who is my Dear Friend Glenda, and me


Debra Dixon said...

Both of you look beautiful enough to be brides yourselves!

Barbara said...

How beautiful you both are! I enjoy seeing snapshots of my dear friends - it makes everything a little more personal.

allie aller said...

What a treat to see your smiling, lovely face!!!!

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

Judith, I love seeing your beautiful face my friend. Very lovely!

Jo in NZ said...

How lovely to "see" you Judith...