Thursday, April 09, 2009

Last class sample

This is my favourite, everyone is doing the same collage with the images that Gail provides. She makes it so easy - that is until you go to go and try to do one yourself and then you realise that experts do make it look easy. Quite different when you are not following instructions. However that said it is not putting me off. The possibilities are endless, Oh what you couldn't do with more hours in your day and boundless energy - ah well!!!
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Digital Collage class sample numero uno

Oopsie, just realised why I am having so many problems trying to send pictures of the digital collages I have been making in class. I have been sending them with way too many megabites, my Darling DH has just put me right and needless to say he is gloating somewhat. I don't know, I just want to do things and not have to worry or think about it, press this button or that and it all should work- Duh, not likely.
At least I am learning!!! and what fun in the process, well sometimes.
The classes are so much fun and so addictive, drop by and check them out. No affiliations just one very happy customer
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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

We are having endless problems with our internet connection. I have been trying to post some images of digital collages that I have been doing with the new course I am doing but unfortunately I am not having much luck, so I think I will leave posting till we get this fixed as I have been spending ages trying to post.
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