Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
http://karensouth.blogspot.com/The top one is the Victorian Tea Party block that my Dear Friend Judy organised. http://creationsbyjudy.blogspot.com/ I love these two blocks even if they are akward shapes. They, or at least the first one didn't, it was meant to be portrait, but somewhere along the line was transmorphed to landscape, hence making the other one the same. I have finally ( an other ufo) made them into a wall hanging. Just need to make some kind of cord to hang it. Don't you just love getting those UFO's finished? Quite often they don't take too much time either. Why oh why do we do it?????
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I don't know what I am doing wrong but this picture keeps loading the wrong way up!!! It is on its side, you can tell by the beautiful face that Juliette made, poor thing is lying on her side. Anyway, I just don't know how to rearrange the photograph, bah humbug.
Isn't it beautiful? Some of my friends from Crazy Gatherings worked on this. Now desisions time, what to do with it? Any ideas anyone?
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Finshed Cafe Au Lace Block.
This was what I was working on when I started this blog. It was going to be the first of several. Didn't quite make it, but on the positive side, this one did get finished!!! Hows that for the glass being half full instead of half empty.!!!!!!I finished it in January, just found a picture of it when I was trying to tidy things up on the computer. It was made into a cushion for a Dear Friends birthday.
I have been finishing a few other UFO's but just can't seem to get a good picture of them, have asked DS if he would take some tomorrow.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I have been doing some changes on my blog today and have spent ages trying to recover my password!!!!! I even wrote it down would you believe, phewey. Must just have been a typo. Hopefully it is all sorted out now.
This is an other button, these are fun to work on and fairly quick being all of 2 inches.
I have had a busy weekend, gardening and lots of other domestic duties. Have also had another go at making soap, had a try 3 years ago, not with the greatest successthough. The soap was ok but does need some tweaking. I will try to blog the journey of my soap making adventures. Made 3 batches today, the first one is a recipe I got from About.com soap. The 2nd two from an ebook I bought today of the net. They have to be left for 24 hours before cutting, so we will see what tomorrow brings.
Friday, October 13, 2006
This wow RR has been such fun, stitching without green has been a challenge but at the same time interesting to see what we could come up with. I have got to say how much I like the white on white (cream etc) there is an elegance about them, a beauty all their own, they have become a favourite. I enjoy RR's finding it easier to do work on someone elses block rather than my own work.
Monday, October 09, 2006
I am also racking my brains to think of 4 more weird things. Even asked DH and my eldest son and still haven't come up with any. What a boring old so and so I am, not giving up just yet, the weirdness is there, honest, and when I get my menopausal memory back I will be able to enlighten.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
The button is about my son Callum (see earlier entry) the heart is for my heart, his name is Gaelic and means Dove . His nickname was "Pink" and the Dove is holding a pink tear.
The competion is a great idea for me as it makes me do something.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
My Dear Friend Pat Winer has tagged me, as everyone can see I have not been here in a long while but have been thinking everyday of returning. So thank you for that , and thanks also for calling me a lady, me a lady!!!!! I don't think so, just ask my kids, they would tell you a few home truths. But really Pat I am so flattered that I am sitting here smiling, almost!!!!!! I said almost, believing I might be a lady, well I know I am female so that is a start.
I can't think of 5 things at the moment but I will tell you the worst as it comes to mind without any bidding. Sorry, this is not nice so you may want to start reading an other blog at this stage.
Here goes,
as I am getting older and things don't work as well on the inside I get flatulence. It is most disturbing as it comes out at the most inopportune moment. Like the other day I was talking to one of my eldest sons friends who I hadn't seen for a long while and I sneezed and out it popped. Pat talks abouth going red when she was little. I have always done that too and was a red beakon at that moment. There nothing else can shock like that. As for the others I will think on those as I have to go work now.
Just popped in a photo of a the WOW round robin that I am in and is just finishing.
So nice to be back on deck