Thursday, February 23, 2006

It is a long time since I have posted to my blog, the reason being, that it is too hard to look at the picture of my son. We have the same picture on the shelf at home but I find it hard to look at that also. Time will change all this of course. But the reaon I am back blogging is that I have just enrolled in two classes at joggles and am very excited about them both. This picture is my first CQ block for Sharon's class. I have used colours or a combination of colours that I would never have used. Gone for triads on the colour wheel. Red, yellow and blue.Tend to go for beige/cream/gold most of the time but I want to expand my horizons. I find peicing extremely difficult to do and as usual I am not happy with this. But I am posting it here for feedback. So please feel free to comment, thanks


Linda said...

hi Judith,

Nice start, like the way you have chosen the colours.

if it was me, I would probably flip a corner over the large yellow patch in the bottom right - but that is only me. I would be saying - "But there is another fabric I want to use, and this is where it could go". *grin*

Glad to see you in the class

Jo in NZ said...

Judith, I was so pleased to see your blog highlighted on my bloglines. Love the oriental fabrics!
Look forward to seeing your progress.

LouAnne said...

Maybe it's just me, but I'd stick to jeweltones for embellishing this block. The baby blue trim seems a little out of place. However, maybe it fits in with other things you have planned. Crazyquilting is SO individuals and there truly ARE no mistakes, just opportunities.
smiles, Louanne

Sharon said...

It is good to see you back... Another joogles class mate here...

abeautifulcraft said...

Hello Judith ... it's lovely to see you back, and I do so love your block! I'm doing Sharon's class as well. Hugs