This is a block I had to get done in a hurry, it has to go to the States so it needs to be in the mail. It is meant to be an autograph type block but the only things I could really come up with quickly, was the dove, representing my precious C allum, pink heart, and the pink block of course.
It is ages since I have blogged, been seriously lacking inspiration and motivation, it just seems easier to blob out infront of the TV with a glass of wine in the evenings, very numbing.
But onto a cheerier note. We have just has a lovely holiday in Melbourne Australia with our other two sons, and it was really lovely. Just being with the boys was a real tonic. This empty nest thing is the pits.
One of the highlights for me was meeting up with Linda of http://chloesplace.blogspot.com/
Linda has written in her blog of our visit. It was so good to catch up with an other CQ especially such a good one. I got to see her finished block from Sharonb class and believe me the pictures do not not do it justice. Also got to see her first 2 Waggas/Woggas. Hope you are all checking out the progress on these wonderful block, check out the history of these marvellous things. I have been to Wagga Wagga. My BIL was in the Airforce and was there for a while. As a complete change of topic, it was while I was there as a teenager that I read "The Five Chimneys Of Austwich" I knew nothing of this time in history and I could not put the book down, and can still all these years later, vividly recall some of the things in that book.
I spent my teenage years in Australia,attending Thebarton Girls Technical High School in Adelaide and Prides Business College, then we took off to Sydney and Hobart. At 18 I left Aussies fair shores for Dear Old New Zealand, so it is interesting that my eldest son is residing over there now.!!! Which is fine with me as long as he comes home again.
Is there anyone else going through the Empty Nest thingie that may have some words of wisdom for me? I would love to hear them.
I want to thank the ladies who have stopped by and sent me comments. I really appreciate you for doing that, thanks so much